R & D Committee
The institution has planned to establish a research centre named as “St. Mary’s Research Centre” under JNTUK, which will be established in the St. Mary’s Women’s campus once the institution gets the approval.
R & D Committee Members
S.No Member Name Designation Department
1. Dr. B.V.S.T. Sai Professor & Principal CSE
2. Dr. T. Rajavardhan Assoc Professor S&H
3. Dr. V. Satyanarayana Professor MBA
4. Mr. G. Raviteja Asst. Professor CSE
5. Mrs. A. Latha Assoc Professor & Dean CSE
6. Mr. G. Purna Krishna Assoc Professor ECE
7. Mr. K.S.T. Sai Assoc Professor ECE
8. Mr. B. Narayana Asst. Professor S&H
9. Mr. Subhani Shaik Assoc Professor CSE
10. Mr. P. Mahesh Asst. Professor S&H
i. To establish collaboration with other universities, public and private sectors and identify R &D projects including consultancy services which could be undertaken at the institution.
ii. To promote research in various departments of the Institute.
iii. To ensure smooth functioning and effective management of R&D at the institution.
A. The committee shall promote research and development activities by motivating students and members of faculty for publishing research papers.
B. Motivating them to get patents for their works.
C. To organize regular seminars and workshops on emerging trends and technologies with a special focus on innovations.
D. To organize regular industrial trainings for the students commensurate with market needs.
E. To organize regular industrial visits for the students.
F. To organize conference on innovations every year.
G. To support the faculty in applying for research projects under various government funding agencies like AICTE, UGC, CSIR, DST etc.
H. R & D Committee invites guest lecturers (Scientist/ Professor) under Industry Institute-Interaction program to promote research on industry needs and assigns senior and experienced faculty to various research organizations for getting collaborative projects and adopting best practices.
I. R & D Committee proposes the institute to update the existing laboratories with additional experimental setups/ instruments and technology for utilizing the labs for research activity.